The Closing of 2012

As 2012 comes to a close, I’m thankful to still be in the land of the living and I know that I am truly blessed. This is not to say that I didn’t have any challenges in 2012 because I surely did, but I refer to call them “teachable moments” that God used to get my attention so that I would make some necessary and required changes in my life. After all, I learned a long time ago and as Iyana Vanzant so eloquently said, there is “Value in the Valley.” And, boy is this definitely true! I look forward to 2013 and all that life has to offer. Overall, my main goal is to grow spiritually and to stay focused on all of the goals that God has ordained for me. In addition, “drama” will definitely not be entertained it does nothing but suck the life out of me and plus I’m just entirely too old to deal with constant foolishness and craziness! I’m just talking about what’s good for me and have no business telling folks what is good for them. Because if some folks enjoy drama, like my homeboy Darren Grimes says, “If they like it, then I love it.” In other words, that’s their business and they have a right to enjoy drama just as I have the right to embrace and enjoy peace. Yes, I know that life is full of ups and downs and that I am not perfect by far and have never claimed to be, but God gives us free will and I choose to close the door to insanity!!! I hope that everyone has a very Happy, Happy New Year!!

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