Procrastination Get Thee Behind Me: 7 Tips to Accomplish Your Goals

Updated March 20, 2020, Carla J. Curtis

As I sit here at this computer, I am staring at a folder filled with study resources. All I have to do is take an exam to become a licensed clinical professional counselor, yet for the last several months, I have been procrastinating about committing to a daily study schedule for me to be prepared to take the exam. 

The struggles I’ve had with procrastination over the years has been a thorn in my side and a vicious cycle. I have allowed procrastination to stall my progress, and every time this happens, I end up in a rut, and before I know it, working on my goals is no longer a priority. 

Yes, I’ve accomplished many of the goals I’ve set for myself: I became a published author. I went back to school to pursue a lifelong dream of becoming a therapist. I organized and alphabetized my bookshelf and finally bought an electric piano. But trust me, none of these have been without an overwhelming amount of anxiety and stress. That’s why my number one goal in 2020 is to not allow procrastination to be so emotionally challenging. 

You know, for a procrastinator like myself—or shall I say, recovering procrastinator, since my goal is to stop procrastinating—social media has caused me to drag my feet even more, and I then have the audacity to get mad at myself when days, weeks, and even months go by with some of the same things on my “to do” list not being completed. I don’t even want to think about all the times I have used social media to procrastinate.

The bottom line is that it’s really time for me to pull up my “big girl” panties and stop procrastinating, and, as the young folks say, “turn up” by getting focused on completing my goals. 

I am too old to continue riding this roller coaster. 

Here are 7 tips to help me deal with procrastination:

1.      I set aside some time to meditate, pray, and play the piano to decrease anxiety that often comes with procrastinating. 
2.     I determine exactly what’s causing me to procrastinate and not pursue my goals.
3.     I break my goals down into manageable tasks. 
4.     I put my phone on airplane mode or turn it off for a few hours a week to make my goals a priority.
5.     I don’t beat myself up because sometimes I will not be able to complete certain goals in the timeframe that I want due to various reasons.
6.   I am flexible and try not to over analyze the steps it takes to accomplish my goals.
7.     I relax, breathe, and pat myself on the back for not giving up.

If you struggle with procrastination, you will surely understand my challenge. Today, I pledge to do some re-prioritizing and get rid of procrastination because, after all, it’s for my sanity’s sake. When procrastination wants to creep onto the scene, I am going to say the words, “Procrastination get thee behind me” and truly mean it...


Anonymous said...

i love your insight on procrastinstion!i struggle with it and i loved hearing about yur struggles too.

carla's reflections said...

Thank you SO very much for reading my blog post and provided your comments. I really and truly appreciate it. Have a great weekend.

carla's reflections said...

Thanks so much for reading my blog post and taking the time to share your feedback. I really and truly appreciate it. Have a wonderful weekend!

Unknown said...

Well myself....can relate as I am a procrastinator. These tips I will oneday apply😄.. but great article for those whom seeking organization and trying to relieve hecked from their life.

Erica Morris said...

I enjoyed your blog on procrastination. I to struggle with procrastination. I am going to try some of your tools to over come procrastination.

Unknown said...

I will try saying procrastination get behind thee. I found that if I turned everything into words said, I managed to accomplish more,same as putting your fear into words doesn't seem so fearful after that.

Unknown said...

I can appreciate your views on procrastination and how you have learn ways to not allow it to be a factor in your life now.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for sharing about the procrastination involved with emotions. That is the part I can totally relate to.

Anonymous said...

This was so informative and I will use these steps to help me do better.I want to hear more of your advice.
Thank you for a great article!

Corey OBrien said...

Enjoyed this read! Especially how you break it down into 7 easy but practical steps!

Corey OBrien said...

Loved this read! Especially how you broke it down into 7 easy but practical steps!

Anonymous said...

Procrastination is definitely something I struggle with as well. I would only focus on a task when it needed to be done and "give it my best effort" letting the cards fall as they may. Then when I would fall short or not preform as well as expected I would beat myself up about it. But today, like you as a recovering procrastinator, I prioritize my life in a way that makes things feel manageable and obtainable. If something feels overwhelming i look for a way to make it seem simpler and that alleviates alot of my anxieties. I will also try to think in terms of setting my own personal deadlines for things earlier then they are so I don't wait till last minute to do them. I find your article to be well thought out very transparent and insightful. Thank you

Unknown said...

This is a very great article as well as a big help for me as i struggle with procrastinating. It opened my eyes to some helpful tips. Great job

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