

It’s amazing how time keeps on ticking. While writing this blog entry, I realized that it had been several months since I’ve shared my thoughts. My intentions are to blog more often, but the last few months have been difficult . They’ve been difficult because two people have passed away, within a month of each other – my uncle and an extended family member. Although I know that death is going to happen to us all, when it’s least expected, it often throws you for a loop. In addition to grieving these last few months, I reached a milestone because I turned 40 and in celebration I went to Paris France. Later in this blog entry, I give you the 411 on my Paris trip. Overall, the deaths, milestone of me entering into the 40's club and visiting Paris were life changing and forced me to do some much-needed introspection of my life.

First, I know that I must make it more of a priority to have a more thankful attitude because throughout it all, God has indeed been good to me and my family. Like all families, we’ve had our ups and downs, but by the grace of God we’ve made it. During these last few months of introspection, I’ve also realized that it is not wise for me to continue allowing people in my personal space that clearly don’t have my best interest at heart. The writing is all on the wall, but I’m always giving others the benefit of the doubt. Basically, I only want people in my life that are going to be assets and not liabilities. Like two plus two equals four, it’s that simple. You know, people that say what they really mean and mean what they really say. Not people who say things for the mere fact of saying things and have no problems hurting others for their own self-seeking pleasures. Life is all about growing and maturing and not playing games with others. For most of my life, I’ve been a caring and very giving person and there have been a few people that have taken my kindest for my weakness. That’s okay because we live and we learn.

Writing Life

Let me digress and talk about what’s going on in my writing world. Things are going great for me. I’ve just completed another motivational book. I’m very excited about this book. This is a motivational book for all women and not only for single mothers. After getting this book edited, I then plan to submit it to a few Christian book publishers. Also, I’m putting the finishing touches on a novella for an anthology that I’m working on with three other writers. I should be completed with this novella very soon. In addition, I believe that I now have enough pieces of the puzzle together where I can complete my fiction book very soon. I’ve been working on this book too long in my mind, but I’ve realized that I can’t force the story. Also, timing is about everything. And, obviously it wasn’t the right time before now to complete this book or otherwise the creative juices would have flowed for me to do so. I’m now at a different place in life and realize that I can’t rush anything and that patience is indeed a virtue. I’ve also been writing more articles to be included in various online and print magazines and I’m excited. I have another article that is included in the Fall 2005 print edition of Inspired Living Magazine You’ll find my name listed within the Contributing Writers section. I’ve discovered that I really enjoy writing articles.

Trip to France

As I mentioned earlier, I went to Paris France in celebration of my 40th birthday with seven other people, mostly co-workers. We had a blast..This was indeed a fun, thought-provoking and interesting trip. I tried the famous Crepes – one with sugar and the other with eggs and sausage. I enjoyed them both, but let’s just say that a Crepe is nothing more than a huge pancake wrapped in a ice cream cone style with being able to select a variety of things to put in it. I also ate too many pieces of chocolate cake and drank more than enough bottles of lemonade. I also went to the famous Louvre Museum and Eiffel Tower. In addition, I shopped and shopped some more. I did a LOT and I mean a LOT of walking, which was good considering all of the over-eating that I did. I even went to a few clubs to see how the French get their party on, but didn’t stay long because there were entirely too many people and the cigarette smoke was almost suffocating to say the least. One thing that I found interesting is that many persons in Paris are avid smokers and therefore the second hand smoke is way too much for me. We couldn’t go anywhere without seeing persons puffing away. It was amazing!

Also, while eating at a little French cafĂ©, I looked up and saw a patron with a dog in his arms licking on his face. Now, this was quite the experience since I had never seen anything like this before. Although I don’t have anything against pets, it’s just something about being in a restaurant eating with animals being able to be in the same place that just doesn’t sit right with me. But, perhaps I am old fashioned and need to join those in the 21st century.

Overall, I’m blessed and am thankful that I was given the opportunity to visit another country. This was my first time going out of the country and it certainly won’t be my last. I truly enjoyed myself.

Thanksgiving Holiday

At the time of completing this blog entry, I’m at home spending time with my family for the Thanksgiving Holiday. I’ve had a great time hanging out with family and friends and have eaten enough to not eat for a few more days. In addition to eating and socializing, I took some time out to go and work out at the YMCA. I’m just thankful to God for allowing me to live to enjoy another Thanksgiving.

This concludes the end of this blog and I promise that I’ll write another entry before the new year. It is my hope that everyone that reads this blog entry enjoys this holiday season.


Happy Anniversary to Me: Celebrating Twenty Years in the Literary World

  Single mothers struggle with feeling overwhelmed at times with the responsibilities that they must juggle alone. A Single Woman's Pare...