Time sure does fly by. The month of June has come and gone and we’re now in the middle of July. I’ve been meaning to write a few blog entries in between time but you know how life can be sometimes.
Right now, I am on vacation from my full-time job and have been for the last two weeks. It feels great to get up when I please and having the opportunity to focus more on my writing and doing some reading as well. And, just the thought of not having to commute 34 miles each way to and from work is simply wonderful.
Over the weekend, my dad’s family had our annual family reunion and I must say that we had a great time. This year we decided to move our cheese and have the reunion at a hotel and resort in the Chicagoland area. The resort was only 10 minutes from my home so I was more than happy. It’s always a blessing to see family members. Next year I’ll be looking forward to the reunion which will be held in Phoenix.
Since I’ve last written in my blog, I’ve been working on my fiction novel and it’s been very exciting. This novel has taken a different twist and I’m just letting my creative juices flow. My goal is to have this novel completed by the middle of August. When I’m not writing, then I’m reading and the following are the books that I’ve recently completed:
"Acting Out" by author, Benilde Little. This was a thought-provoking and interesting read. "The Hamptons" by author, Linda Dominque Grosvenor. This was a wonderful and entertaining book. "The Preacher’s Son" by author, Carl Weber. This was a great and entertaining read.
On another note, I’m excited because an article that I wrote titled, “A Sistah’s Perspective: Journeying through the Season of Singleness” is featured in the Spring 2005 printed edition of the Inspired Living Magazine (Inspiring Women to Embrace God’s Best, Everyday!) The article was first included on the online version (http://www.inspiredlivingmag.com/) of the magazine and then to my surprise was reprinted in the hard edition. I’m thankful that this article has been a blessing to others. And, I thank the staff at Inspired Living Magazine for giving me the opportunity to share my work. This is a wonderful and empowering magazine. Check it out!
Until next time, peace.