Delayed But not Denied

Yesterday I watched for the first time Being a docu-series on Centric about Tamar Braxton’s life and career. It was interesting and what stood out for me the most is when Tamar talked about her experience with wanting her husband Vince to manage her singing career. She indicated Vince flat out said no when she first asked him to manage her. He merely felt she wasn’t ready. Now, with Tamar’s strong personality this did not go over well. Vince said he always believed in his wife’s vocal ability and that she definitely was talented and I would agree she does have a beautiful voice. Nevertheless, Vince stuck to his decision even though I am sure it was hard for him to do so. After all, he has been involved with the success of other singers. While watching this docu-series, something about the words “she’s wasn't ready” stuck with me.

When Vince finally agreed to be Tamar’s manager, he felt she was ready since she was able to get a close-up look of the process of when he first began working with Lady Gaga and what it takes to work with an artist to help them become successful. Vince obviously made the right decision. He knew Tamar was destined for success; however, before taking her under his wing as a manager he wanted to ensure that she was ready because after all the entertainment business can be tough at times. Tamar’s career is definitely on an upswing and I am sure that she is now thankful for her husband’s decision.

Like Tamar wanting to be a solo artist for many years, often times, there are things we want in life and feel as though God has forsaken us and at times this can be hard to understand – especially when you know you are on the right track. God’s answer right now may simply be “you’re not ready” and this could be for a variety of reasons. If you are getting discouraged and ready to give up on your goals and your dreams because things don’t seem to be going your way or happening fast enough, don’t give up. 

Yes, I know this is easier said than done and you are wondering why others around you seem to be flourishing in their goals and you are not. In this situation, just remind yourself the journey that God has for you is yours alone and don’t continue torturing yourself by comparing your situation to that of others. Just remember God has not forsaken you and that He knows what is best and simply view this season in your life as your goals and dreams being “delayed but not denied.” Because God always knows what is best, it could very well be He feels “you’re not ready” and He doesn’t want you to mess up or lose the blessings that He has in store for you.

Keep pressin' on because the best is yet to come.

© Carla J. Curtis, September 2014

The Blessing of Snowflakes

Today has been a great day. The weather is nice and I'm excited that my first short story -- The Blessing of Snowflakes is now available as an eBook for purchase on Amazon.

Check it out and let me know what you think!

The Blessing of Snowflakes


Loneliness in a Crowded Room

Hello Everyone,

Below is a poem that I recently wrote. I was fumbling around with it and went to the memo tab and then quickly wrote this poem that just came to me.

Let me know what you think.


Loneliness in a Crowded Room

The room is filled with lively, kind and fun-loving people, yet loneliness hovers over her.

There is much laughter, conversation and interaction, yet loneliness engulfs her.

There are hugs, kisses and embraces, yet loneliness consumes her.

The people solicit her to mingle and she obliges, yet loneliness in a crowded room still remains her reality.

Carla J. Curtis
© September 2014

Guest Blogger, Paula Morris Thomas -- Pacing the Floor, Walking Through the Mind

Hello Everyone,

I'm honored to have Paula Morris Thomas, a truly a gifted writer and wonderful person, as a guest blogger today on Carla's Reflections.  Check out her deep and thought provoking note and article below. Feel free to leave your comments and share with others.



*Note* ~ Oftentimes depression is not considered to be a disease or sickness. And it can be doubly hard to get the support you need from the Black community and the Christian community. I know what I speak of first hand. And so I would retreat into my mind to help me cope and try to make sense of the screams going on inside of me that had to be silenced because there were no receptive ears willing or able to hear me in my voice...

~~~ Pacing the Floor, Walking Through the Mind ~~~

And I would sit and think because thinking allowed me to change my actual dreary existence into what I hoped for, longed for, desired. But after awhile sitting became too confining, too limited, too restricted. So I'd arise from my perch and engage my feet as part of the solution to bring me into the realm of my ideals and ideas.

So I would walk and hold meetings in my head. And the meetings were attended by me and He who created the mind in the first place...which turned out to be a great decision 'cause He don't judge like folks.  He don't make you feel stupid, strange or like you're out in left field when all of life is happening in the right.

And I marveled at the complexities of the mind. All five of the major senses are housed and commanded from there. And I yearned to know what was on His mind when He made the I asked.

And He said, "The mind is the upstairs area of the essence of the human house.  It contains wisdom, knowledge and understanding. And you know that wisdom is the principal thing...the main thing...the primary thing. But if you have no understanding of what you're wise about then the mind is wasteland. So I gave you your mind so that you would come to be wise enough to know Who I am and understand Whose you are and walk unfettered to and through your purpose."

So I continued to walk holding the meeting in my head. And the meeting was attended by me and He who created the mind in the first place. And my steps were strong, my head was held high, my back was straight and my shoulders were back. And I understand that the gift of a sound mind is the greatest gift under the perpetual Christmas tree. Unwrap it daily with thanksgiving and a yielded will to He who gifted you in the first place.

Sometimes pacing the floor is more than just an opportunity to walk and worry. It's also an opportunity to walk in sweet communion with He who reveals things to you and causes you to understand.

There is hope and help through depression. Stay encouraged...

Paula Morris Thomas


Happy Anniversary to Me: Celebrating Twenty Years in the Literary World

  Single mothers struggle with feeling overwhelmed at times with the responsibilities that they must juggle alone. A Single Woman's Pare...