Delayed But not Denied

Yesterday I watched for the first time Being a docu-series on Centric about Tamar Braxton’s life and career. It was interesting and what stood out for me the most is when Tamar talked about her experience with wanting her husband Vince to manage her singing career. She indicated Vince flat out said no when she first asked him to manage her. He merely felt she wasn’t ready. Now, with Tamar’s strong personality this did not go over well. Vince said he always believed in his wife’s vocal ability and that she definitely was talented and I would agree she does have a beautiful voice. Nevertheless, Vince stuck to his decision even though I am sure it was hard for him to do so. After all, he has been involved with the success of other singers. While watching this docu-series, something about the words “she’s wasn't ready” stuck with me.

When Vince finally agreed to be Tamar’s manager, he felt she was ready since she was able to get a close-up look of the process of when he first began working with Lady Gaga and what it takes to work with an artist to help them become successful. Vince obviously made the right decision. He knew Tamar was destined for success; however, before taking her under his wing as a manager he wanted to ensure that she was ready because after all the entertainment business can be tough at times. Tamar’s career is definitely on an upswing and I am sure that she is now thankful for her husband’s decision.

Like Tamar wanting to be a solo artist for many years, often times, there are things we want in life and feel as though God has forsaken us and at times this can be hard to understand – especially when you know you are on the right track. God’s answer right now may simply be “you’re not ready” and this could be for a variety of reasons. If you are getting discouraged and ready to give up on your goals and your dreams because things don’t seem to be going your way or happening fast enough, don’t give up. 

Yes, I know this is easier said than done and you are wondering why others around you seem to be flourishing in their goals and you are not. In this situation, just remind yourself the journey that God has for you is yours alone and don’t continue torturing yourself by comparing your situation to that of others. Just remember God has not forsaken you and that He knows what is best and simply view this season in your life as your goals and dreams being “delayed but not denied.” Because God always knows what is best, it could very well be He feels “you’re not ready” and He doesn’t want you to mess up or lose the blessings that He has in store for you.

Keep pressin' on because the best is yet to come.

© Carla J. Curtis, September 2014

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